Let’s celebrate friendship day with Sayaji Pune.

Pune, 05th August,2022: Friendship is a pure and pious human experience that helps human beings to know, and to live in good spirits with each other. Every year the first Sunday in the month of August is celebrated as Friendship Day. This year, it falls on August 7. This friendship’s day Sayaji, Pune wishes to do their part in making your friendships toothsome and heavenly by planning an evening to celebrate with young audiences. Considering the youth, beverage offers are planned for the evening. This will mostly be Alco beverages exclusive offers for the evening. The menu will be Tandoor Kebabs with regular ala carte servings. The Poolside ambiance with mouthwatering food, Alco beverages & cities’ known live band performance will be major attractions on friendship day festivity. The Mediterranean ambiance restaurant will have magical vibes at poolside along with see-through kitchen and warm services. An evening with music, beverages & luscious foods will be the perfect celebration for the event.  At Sayaji, May your friendships flourish to eternity.

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