JOALI Maldives — Silver Certified by EarthCheck

JOALI Maldives, the country’s first and only art immersive resort, has achieved Silver Certification from EarthCheck, the world’s leading business advisory group specialising in sustainability for the tourism industry.

The resort is a passionate supporter of sustainability and is devoted to responsible luxury. It features an array of original, experiential works of art and dynamic design, all of which reflect the beauty of nature and are built with sustainability in mind.

JOALI Maldives is committed to eliminate single-use plastic and offers eco-friendly alternatives to all guests and staff. All amenities are vegan and chemical-free to protect corals and sea life. Local goods are sourced from neighbouring islands, where possible, and many vegetables and herbs are grown at its organic Chef’s Garden. JOALI Maldives focuses on reducing waste; food and garden waste are composted to natural fertilizer; packaging, cans, glass, and paper waste are recycled; and wastewater is treated and reused. The resort is also home to a desalinating water bottling plant which allows to produce its own drinking water in glass bottles.
Supporting ecological conservation, JOALI Maldives’ Reef Restoration Programme promotes the natural recovery of the island’s surrounding reef ecosystem, whereby ‘fragments of hope’ — tiny corals are transplanted onto the existing house reef to help it regenerate.

Enver Arslan, General Manager of JOALI Maldives, commented “We ingrain social and environmental responsibility in our organizational culture and all that we do. With this achievement, we have joined industry leaders who are taking meaningful steps towards creating a sustainable future.” Stewart Moore, CEO and Founder of EarthCheck, added “JOALI Maldives has taken a significant leadership position in sustainability.”

JOALI Maldives was evaluated on ten key performance areas including energy and water consumption, total waste production, and community commitment.

EarthCheck Certification establishes a five-level standard — Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Master — based on the number of years the organization is certified: Gold after 5 years of continuous certification, Platinum after 10 years and Master after 15 years.

JOALI Maldives’ CSR strategy, Joy of Caring, focuses on Joy of Preserving, which promotes environmental initiatives; Joy of Supporting, which fosters community engagement; Joy of Empowering, which supports women empowerment; and Joy of Conserving, which drives operational sustainability.

About JOALI Maldives:

Amid the abundant life between the palm trees and sparkling turquoise water sits JOALI Maldives, the very first art-immersive resort in the Maldives. Based in Raa Atoll, one of the largest and deepest atolls in the world, guests can expect brilliant blue waters, a myriad of sea life, and pristine white-sand beaches fringed by gently swaying coconut palms. Each of the 73 villas is the epitome of sustainable glamour and was inspired by individual stories and designed to take the guests on a rich sensory journey. Boasting a lavish range of culinary options, every dish at JOALI, tells a story and every plate becomes a journey, a journey of savours, fragrance, and joy – an art immersive experiential dining.

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